Galatians: Session 2 – When the Spirit of Grace is Insulted


When The Spirit Of Grace Is Insulted – Galatians 1:6-9      See Session Slides Here   

  • Paul’s gospel = Acts 13:39; the legalist’s gospel =  Acts 15:1.
  • The Council of Jerusalem resolved that the true gospel is the gospel of God’s grace to us in Christ. Any other ‘gospel’ is counterfeit.
  • The Judaizers were not content to leave it at that; they went to Galatia to cause trouble.
  • Three charges were brought against Paul: 1) That he was not a true apostle; 2) That the gospel of grace was not the true gospel; 3) That the gospel of grace led to sinful living.
  • If we don’t understand grace we won’t understand the gospel.
  • The biblical definition of grace – Rom.11:6. Balance is mixture. Lev.19:19. This is a picture of two covenants – grace (linen, righteousness through the finished work of Christ) and the works of the law (wool, works of man), which cannot be mixed. Don’t mix covenants.
  • Gal. 1:6-7. Paul expresses amazement that the Galatians had turned away from the true gospel. “Turning away,” metatithemi = to transfer, exchange. The Galatians had crossed over into legalism.
  • They deserted the One who called them to faith. Embracing legalism means rejecting God.
  • Gal. 1:8-9. Every preacher must be tested by the message he proclaims. It is not the messenger who authenticates the message, but the message that authenticates the messenger.
  • Those who preach a mixture of grace and works are to be accursed. This is a very strong statement. Yet, Paul repeats this solemn warning, (Gal.1:8-9).
  • No one who is at fault is spared, including Peter and Barnabas (Gal. 2:11-13).
  • Grace is not harsh, confrontational, controlling or pushy – these are characteristics often associated with legalism.
  • Grace chooses its fights! One fight we must never back down from is “the good fight of faith”, i.e. when the true nature of the gospel is at stake.
  • Some of the strongest language and most severe warnings in the New Testament are used when the gospel of grace was under siege. When we leave the gospel we are exposed to the wrath of God.
  • The strongest warnings in the NT are not against backsliding, but concerning what kind of gospel you believe. Examples: Heb.6:4-6; Heb.10:26-29; Matt.18:1-6.
  • To send a message to one of Christ’s little ones, i.e. believers, that we are evaluated on the basis of fleshly performance is to cause them to stumble concerning the true nature of the Christian faith. True Christianity is characterised by childlike faith and trust in Christ.
  • The Christian’s righteousness and identity is based upon his being baptised into Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to newness of life. We are no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit. We are finished with boasting in the flesh or parading self.

Clearly, to fight, bicker and argue over personal offences and secondary issues is carnal; and we ought to rise above that kind of behaviour by walking in Spirit. But when the simplicity of the Christ-centred gospel is under siege – even from nice, well-meaning bible-wielding Christians – we need to be prepared to defend it in no uncertain terms.

  • Are you fighting the right battles?

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