The Faith of Our Fathers: Session 4 – Joseph, Suffering with Christ, the Pathway to Reigning with Him


Joseph – Suffering with Christ, the Pathway to Reigning with Him    See Session Slides Here

God destined great things for Joseph which were revealed in dreams. His family would bow before him. We who have been justified by faith, made sons of God, and are being transformed into the image of Christ, are destined to reign with Christ in the Kingdom (Lk.12:32;  1 Cor.6:3; Rev.2:26; 3:21).

But the route to reigning is via suffering (Rom.8:16-17). All the OT predictions concerning Jesus can be divided into 2 groups, His sufferings and the glory which was to follow (1 Pet.1:10-11; Lk.24:26). Paul desired to identify with Him in these 2 things (Phil.3:10-11). The ‘fellowship’ of sufferings draw us closer to Jesus.

The sufferings Joseph incurred include the following:

Betrayal by Brethren

  • Because of his dreams and the coat of many colours, Joseph’s brothers hated him.
  • They planned to kill him; but he was sold as a slave into Egypt.

False Accusations

  • The Lord was with Joseph though circumstances pointed to opposite.
  • He was a slave to Potiphar. Potiphar’s wife, frustrated sexually, had wandering eyes.
  • Joseph rejected her advances because he loved the Lord.
  • Scorned, she accused him of attempted rape and Joseph ended up in (political) prison.


  • Joseph went to prison for doing what was right,  1 Pet.2:20; 4:14.
  • You may be judged wrongly and others believe it! God’s goal for you is greater than your vindication.
  • Jesus was never vindicated on earth. If Jesus were vindicated at His trial we would be on our way to hell.

Broken Promises

  • Pharaoh’s & baker were also imprisoned. Both had a dream, which Joseph interpreted.
  • Everything he predicted came to pass. The butler promised to speak on Joseph’s behalf but forgot him.
  • If God was with Joseph why did he suffer? He was being chastened.
  • Chastisement is not always directly linked to our behavior. Son-training is a better translation.
  • It is God’s education, nurture and discipline. Some of God’s most obedient children suffer the most.
  • The problem is we think we have been forgotten. We must wait God’s timing. ‘He has made everything beautiful in His time’ (Ecc.3:11).
  • If Joseph had got out of prison then he would have gone home, Isa.64:4; Isa.25:9.
  • The butler’s dream fulfilled in 3 days; Joseph’s dream in 13 years. The bigger the dream the longer the preparation.  1 Pet.5:6.
  • Two years later Pharaoh had 2 dreams. The butler remembered Joseph.
  • Joseph predicts the time of plenty followed by severe famine.
  • Pharaoh was amazed and impressed with his interpretation and his wise counsel. He was exalted to the position of overseeing the whole land – second only to Pharaoh.
  • The famine was not just in Egypt but all lands. This prepared the way for Joseph’s family to come to him. He had 2 sons. Manasseh = Forgetting; Ephraim = Fruitful.
  • Joseph is a type of Christ. His name means ‘adding’. He was his father’s beloved son – sent to his brethren but hated by them – he foretold his future exaltation – was innocent but suffered unjustly – was given over to the power of the Gentiles and numbered with the transgressors – was falsely accused and condemned. But then, suddenly, he was exalted to the throne and given a name that was above every name received a new name – every knee bowed to him – he was given a wife – he became the Bread of life; a Saviour for all people – was made known to his brethren a second time – they bowed before him.
  • Note the order.  2 Tim.2:11-12; Rom.8:17-18.
  • Some of God’s preparation for us do not relate to time but eternity. Lk.22:28-30;  2 Cor.4:17; Rom.8:18; Heb.2:5, 10;  2 Thes.1:4-5;  1 Pet.4:12-13.