Your Helper the Holy Spirit: Session 5 – Praying in the Spirit


Praying in the Spirit

‘Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication – and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel’ (Eph.6:18-19). ‘But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit’ (Jude.1:20).

Ex.17:8-16. Amalek came to block Israel’s path, preventing them going through their territory. Prior to this they picked off the stragglers at the rear of Israel, when they were weary (Deut.25:18). They now launched a major attack on the main body of the people at Rephidim, resulting in this long battle. This is a picture of Satan coming out to prevent us from entering in to our inheritance.

Moses, Aaron and Hur. If Moses’ hands dropped through tiredness, Aaron and Hur quickly lifted them up. It was because of what took place on the top of the hill that the battle was won. Note:

  • Satan will be finally wiped out one day (Ex. 17:14). But not while we are on earth.
  • Until then Israel will have war with Amalek from generation to generation (Ex. 17:16). Spiritual warfare.
  • The LORD is our Banner (Ex. 17:15).

Jehovah-Nissi – ‘The Lord our Banner’

  • A banner was a standard or ensign used in battle. It was not always a flag. It could have been a bright shining ornament, as this would have glittered in the sun and easily be seen. A banner was simply an ensign, or standard around which people rallied; a gathering point in the day of battle.
  • The surrender of a flag meant defeat. Thus, when Israel went to battle Moses lifted his hands to the Lord, for the Lord was their Banner. When the victory was won the Lord was credited with the victory.
  • We have a banner: Jesus, (Isa.11:10-12). He is the Captain of our salvation and His banner over us is love.

 The upraised hand is a picture of prayer, i.e. a token of our confidence in the Lord (Psa.28:2;  1 Tim.2:8).

  • To impress upon the Church the importance of prayer, God made success dependent upon whether or not Moses had his hands raised, (Jas.5:17). This is where the battle was won or lost.
  • Luke 18:1). Staying power in prayer is important. Lk.11:5-11.
  • Are your hands lifted to the Lord in prayer? Lift up the hands that hang down.

 The Two Divine Intercessors

  • Ex. 17:12. Aaron and Hur are types of divine intercessors – Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus on that side of heaven, the Holy Spirit on this side of heaven, Rom.8:34, 26-27.
  • Jesus. Rom.8:34; Heb.7:25. He takes our prayers and makes them acceptable to the Father.
  • The Holy Spirit. Rom.8:26-27. We have a problem; there are times when we don’t know what to pray for.
  • The immediate context of this passage is suffering. Christians are not immune from suffering. The problem is that we don’t know what we should pray for. We don’t know what is best for us. Deliverance or grace? Even Jesus and Paul at times did not know what to pray for, (Jn.12:27-28).
  • The Holy Spirit ‘helps’ us with our problem. ‘Help’ = to take hold of anything, together with another. Same word as in Luke 10:40. He makes intercession for us, i.e. is an advocate on our behalf. It is the role of an advocate to dictate to his clients what he should say, how they should present their case.
  • We don’t know what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit teaches us. He gives us heaven’s perspective.
  • This gives us confidence because we are praying consistently with God’s will,  1 Jn.5:14-15.
  • Prayer is like an electric circuit. It starts with God and ends with Him.
  • So then the Holy Spirit intercedes for us by leading us in the way we should pray.
  • Rom. 8:28. Result = all things work together for good. Not just some, but all.
  • 1 Cor.2:9-12. God alone knows what is good for us and what is best for us. He knows too the things that He has prepared for us. He reveals them to us by His Spirit.

The Spirit makes supplications in us according to the will of God. He formulates strong desires in us to do His will. He unites us with God’s will and purpose.

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