Advancing the Kingdom: Session 2 – Satan’s Fifth Column


Satan’s Fifth Column    See Session Slides Here

A fifth column is a group of people who covertly undermine a larger group, such as a city or nation, from within, to the aid of an external enemy. The parable of the wheat and tares is about Satan’s fifth column.

“Tares” is a reference to a weed called bearded darnel. It has a fungus which, if eaten by animal or man, is poisonous. The problem is that in its early stage, while still in the blade, it looks like wheat. So, if the farmer attempted to uproot the tares before maturity, he would wreak havoc on his crop of wheat.

Sowing tares in an enemy’s field was a form of revenge in those days. This parable illustrates the point that Satan couldn’t stop the Sower coming into the world, so his next plan is to sabotage His field.

In the first parable Christians are the product of the preaching of the good seed of God’s Word. Here we are the good seed. Matt. 13:38. Jesus referred to His own life as ‘seed’ that produced “much grain” (Jn.12:24). The Church throughout all ages is the harvest of the original seed of Christ (Rom.6:5).

“…the tares are the sons of the wicked one.” In the first parable there was only one sower and one kind of seed. Now we have 2 sowers and 2 kinds of seed. Tares are counterfeit Christians, look-alike Christians. There are “false brethren”. There is a difference between professing Christians and possessing Christians.

Matt. 13:25. The enemy planted them there to cause trouble. The enemy works by stealth, under the cover of darkness. In the Old Testament the Jews were referred to as God’s vineyard. They were enclosed by a fence. Now the kingdom of God extends beyond the nation of Israel. The field is the world. The gospel must be proclaimed everywhere. The fence has come down and multitudes are pouring in. But not all are regenerate. The first parable shows that Satan couldn’t stop the advent of the Kingdom. This parable shows that he tries to stop the advancement of the kingdom. How does Satan’s fifth column go about devastating the Church?

1) By causing offences, Matt. 13:41. If he can sow tares amongst the wheat he can disrupt the harmony of the church. Whenever there is church trouble, almost always there is an unregenerate person involved.

2) By replacing godly principles with worldly methods,  1 Sam.13:19-22. Sometimes we allow Philistines in leadership and in the pulpit. We have replaced the Word of God with motivational talks; godly counselling with pop-psychology and Biblical models of leadership with corporate forms of structure.

3) By distractions. Diversion tactics. We must be clear about our priorities and what we will give ourselves to.

4) By activity that is not Spirit-directed. If you eat the seeds from the tares it causes nausea, vomiting, severe headaches and convulsions. A lot of activity; but not Spirit-directed.

Matt. 13:28. “Do you want us to go and gather them up?” The servants see a need for separation. But they are not skillful enough to undertake the work. In attempting to root up the tares they may pull up the wheat.

 E.g. Lot. Judas. Saul of Tarsus. Peter. Ananias & Sapphira.  1 Cor. Chapter 5. Demas. We are not qualified to separate the wheat from the tares ( 1 Cor.4:5). People have tried in different ways to separate the two:

  • By force.
  • Creeds, confessions and denominations, Mk. 9:49-50.
  • By inspecting fruit. Mt 13:41.

You can’t tell whether another person is a possessor or a professor. But:

  1. You can know whether you are a true believer, John 20:31.
  2. And God knows those who are His,  2 Tim.2:19.

Summary: What did Jesus want us to know? Don’t judge the person, but resist the influence.

# Answers to this quiz are found in the notes above. Click on quiz to commence. Only correct spelling is recognised. A minimum 70%  correct is required to advance to the next session.