The Book of Revelation: Session 3 – What is this World Coming To


What Is This World Coming To?

  • Rev. 12:1-2. The woman is Israel. The child is Christ – ‘the Seed of the woman.’
  • Rev. 12:3-4. The Dragon = Satan (see Rev. 12:7-9). Seven empires which ruled the world in Bible times and how Satan tried to use these to prevent Messiah and His Kingdom coming into the world: 1) Egypt; 2) Assyria; 3) Babylon; 4) Persia; 5) Greece; 6) Romans; 7) Revised Rome
  • Rev. 12:5-6. ‘The wilderness’ is not a place but a state of aloneness. Alone among the nations, Ezek.20:34-36.
  • Rev. 12:7-11. After the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ, Satan is cast out of heaven as accuser of brethren. There is no more condemnation because no more law, Jn.12:31; Lk.10:18.
  • Rev. 12:13-17. A flood of persecution under Antichrist intended to annihilate Israel and the Church.

The Antichrist

  • Rev. 13:1. The Beast that rises out of the sea. Anti: in the place of; a counterfeit Christ, Jn.5:43;  2 Thes.2:4.
  • Rev. 13:3. Counterfeit resurrection; change of personality. He ‘ascends out of the bottomless pit’, Rev. 11:7; 17:8.
  • Prince of Peace vs False peace
  • Jesus is the truth; Antichrist is the lie
  • Rev. 13:11-12. He has a false prophet, rising out of the earth, i.e. a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit draws attention to Jesus so false prophet will to Antichrist, causing people to worship him.
  • Jesus is the ‘mystery of godliness’; Antichrist is the ‘mystery of iniquity’.
  • The mark of the Beast corresponds with the seal of God indicating ownership and false protection
  • He will work miracles – ‘lying wonders’  2 Thes.2:9

Rev. 14:14-16. The Church is still on earth until the rapture. Then the Day of God’s wrath, Rev. 14:17-20; 15:1.

The Seven Bowls Judgment

Chapter 16. The 7 bowls correspond with 7 trumpets of the seventh seal. These are poured out resulting in:

  1. Loathsome sores upon mankind (Rev. 16:2)
  2. The Sea turns to blood (Rev. 16:3)
  3. Rivers turn to blood (Rev. 16:4-7)
  4. Mankind is scorched by the sun (Rev. 16:8-9)
  5. Darkness and pain (Rev. 16:10-11)
  6. Euphrates is dried up making way for an army for Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16)
  7. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Christ (Rev. 16-21)

Babylon Overthrown and Satan Bound

  • Chapters 17-19. Babylon (‘the great city’ Rev. 16:19) is mentioned more times than any other city except Jerusalem (‘the holy city’, Rev. 21:2). It represents mankind in a union and system to oppose and replace God.
  • When the climax of rebellion is reached, God will say to His Son, as He did at babel: ‘let us go down…’
  • Two suppers. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Rev. 19:9. The supper of the great God.  Rev. 19:17.
  • Rev. 20:1-4. Satan, who lifted himself up will be cast down.

The Kingdom come

  • Man was created to have dominion over the earth. In Adam mankind lost the kingdom and the crown.
  • The rule of the earth is now in the hands of Satan and his demons, Jn.12:31.
  • Jesus will reign with His saints. The curse will be removed. Sickness and sin will be no more. Changes will be wrought in the animal kingdom. The lion will eat straw like an ox.
  • Christ will reign the world as a commonwealth of nations. Isa.2:2&3; Lk.19:17-19.
  • The meek and faithful will reign with Him.
  • We are destined for the throne. ‘To him that overcomes…’ Rev.16:20.

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