Galatians: Session 6 – Cast Out the Bondwoman


Cast Out The Bondwoman : Gal.4:8 – Gal. 5:12    See Session Slides Here

Recap. Legalism produces second-hand religion. It keeps the preacher in business, and us as babes.

 Gal. 4:8-12.Galatians went from bondage to heathenism to bondage to the law: both were weak.

  • The law was weak in that it could not save one from the power of sin.
  • It was beggarly in comparison to the riches of grace.

 The Two Covenants Symbolized (Gal. 4:21-5:1)

  • Gal. 4:21-23. The Judaizers prided themselves in being sons of Abraham.
  • But Abraham had two sons (Gal. 4:22). This is an allegory.
  • Both sons had different mothers – one a freewoman, the other a slave. This status of each son was determined by the status of his mother.
  • b) Their manner of conception was different. Ishmael was born by natural means, signifying self-effort and fleshly ability. Isaac was the result of a miracle, a work of grace. God promised this child, and He produced it.
  • Gal. 4:24. The two mothers represent two covenants. Hagar = Law (Gal. 4:25); Sarah = Promise (Gal. 4:26-28). Two different covenants – one is law-giving; the other is life-giving.
  • Paul says, “It’s good that Abraham is your father…but who’s your mother?” Note:
  • Gal. 4:29-5:1. Hagar mocked Sarah when she was barren.
  • But once Sarah gave birth, her mocking turned to persecution. Similarly religious people, who claim to be a part of Christ’s Church but are not, will always oppose the true work of God and the true people of God, just as the Judiazers persecuted Paul.
  • There is an incompatibility between law and grace. One has to go. Hagar and Ishmael had to go; Sarah demanded it and God supported it. Legalism must be cast out of the Christian’s life, with those who teach it. We are to fight against any attempt to re-enslavement.
  • It is claimed by some that there are two types of law, one given by God, the moral law (the 10 Commandments), written on tablets of stone; the other given by Moses, the ceremonial law, written in a book. They say the law of Moses is passed away, but the law of God isn’t.
  • The Jews never understood or acknowledged such a distinction. And, you would have thought that Paul would have at least made that clear!
  • Rom. 7:4&6. Which law is Paul referring to here? See Rom. 7:7.
  • 2 Cor.3:4-11. Under the new covenant you will experience a greater degree of holiness than under the old covenant. The 10 commandments do not give all the necessary instructions to be the kind of person God wants you to be. They do not condemn pride, selfishness, drunkenness, filthy language, command forgiveness and repentance; they do not command us to preach the Gospel which is the only way people can be saved, they don’t command us to be baptised and celebrate the Lord’s Supper, nor to love your enemies, etc.
  • Life under the new covenant is a supernatural life which transcends laws. It requires the Holy Spirit to produce this kind of fruit – Gal. 5:22-23. You cannot legislate these things.
  • Christianity is not putting a new patch on an old garment.
  • Gal. 5:1-6. Those who trust in circumcision or any other merit, demonstrate by so doing that they do not fully trust in Christ. Law cancels grace from a believer’s life, (Gal. 5:4).

The just shall live by faith.

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