For Your Information

Free Online Grace Bible School


We trust you are enjoying the Online Grace Bible School course so far.

Here are some helpful hints to get the most from your studies.

The curriculum comprises phases, each phase has 40 teaching sessions  – see COURSE tab on Home Page Main Menu.

When you log in you will be redirected to the MY MODULES page displaying all the course modules. For maximum benefit we recommend you complete the 4 modules in Phase 1 before moving on to other modules. Click on a module to open.

RESUMEClick this button to pick up where you left off.  Enjoy the self paced learning. No deadlines.

MARK COMPLETE Click this button after completing the first teaching session within a module to progress to the next session.  Continue likewise until the module is completed.  You will then receive a VALIDATION NOTICE to confirm you’ve completed the module.  When you’ve completed all modules in a Phase, you will receive a CERTIFICATE  for that Phase.

# If a teaching session does not have a Mark Complete  button it means a Quiz has been installed. Completing the Quiz enables you to advance to the next session. You can return to a completed session as many times as you like.

TAKE NOTES  This button on the left hand side bar is a handy tool for taking notes during teaching sessions. You can store /review /print.

RESOURCES –  Enjoy all the free videos, workbooks, notes –  under COURSE tab on Home Page.

Additional resources are available for purchase from Ken Legg’s website at

REVIEWSThis tab on the Home Page shows you what other students are saying about this course – don’t miss it!

As Ken’s teaching reveals hidden treasures from the word of God, we pray you’ll see Jesus revealed in a deeper way!

… it's all about JESUS!