Eternity is in Our Heart: Session 2 – A Far Better Place


 A Far Better Place    See Session Slides Here

At death, the body goes back to the dust. But what happens to the spirit? 2 heresies:

Soul Sleep. 1 Cor.15:18, 51;  1Thes.4:13; Acts 7:60. This teaches that the souls of both the righteous and unrighteous sleep between death and resurrection. But the word ‘sleep’ is never used of the soul or of the body – only of the person. It emphasizes the inactivity of the person in the program of this present world.


Annihilation. This doctrine is based upon scriptures which seem to say immortality is a gift of God at conversion, and not the possession of every soul. Also, terms applied to lost souls, such as ‘death’, ‘destruction’, ‘perish’, etc. (Jn.3:16; Rom.6:23;  2Thes.1:9). But:

  • The Bible states the soul of everyone in some conscious state will always exist – sinners as well as saints, Jn.5:28-29; Rev.20:11-15; Mt.25:46; Rev.14:11. The soul is indestructible; it will never be annihilated.
  • The words ‘life’ and ‘death’ mean far more than existence o ceasing to exist. In the Bible these words are applied to a relationship with God, or the lack of it, (Eph.2:1-2;  1Tim.4:8; 5:6;   1Jn.3:14; Rev.3:1).


Hell, i.e. separation from God, is a just reward for those who don’t want God’s presence now. It is both an irreversible state and a conscious state of suffering, Lk.16:19-31; Mk.9:43-48:

  • Conscious – An awareness of separation from God. It would be meaningless if not conscious.
  • Eternal – this is the same word used as in ‘eternal life’.


Until Christ returns the departed spirits of believers go to Paradise. Note:

  • We shall be with Christ in a conscious state, ( Lk.23:43; Phil.1:23;  2 Corinthians 5:8). If we were not conscious, that would not be good news. It would have been better to remain here. Lk.16:22-31. Rev.6:9-11.
  • We shall be with Christ’s people, i.e. the Old Testament and New Testament saints.
  • We shall be with the angels.
  • We shall be in a place of bliss (blessedness) and of rest from labour, Rev. 14:13


Paradise is physical as well as spiritual. We will have intermediate bodies. Note:

  • Rev. 6:9-11. They called out to God with loud voices.
  • Paul was not sure if he had a body when he went there. He never ruled out the possibility.
  • These temporary bodies may be like the temporary bodies which were sometimes given to angels.
  • Moses and Elijah appeared in physical form to Jesus. Maybe intermediate bodies created for the purpose.
  • The rich man could feel the flames and desired relief. Lazarus had fingers. Rich man had eyes, ears, voice.
  • Samuel’s soul was seen and recognized by the witch. Saul perceived it was Samuel.


In 2 Cor.5:1-8 Paul addresses the state of those who die in the Lord. He says the following:

2 Cor.5:1. Death does not destroy the soul, nor deprive it of a home.

2 Cor.5:2. This abode for the soul is from heaven (not heaven itself, but heavenly). The soul does not cease to be; or go to purgatory; or go into unconsciousness. It is absent from the body, yet present with the Lord (2 Cor.5:8).

2 Cor.5:3-4. Death is not what Paul longed for, but what came after death, i.e. to be with Christ in Paradise.

2 Cor.5:5. It is God who makes us feel like this and prepares us for it. He does this negatively by giving us a holy dissatisfaction with this world and the things of this world; and positively, by giving us the Spirit.

2 Cor.5:6-7. We walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Cor.5:8. Death for the believer, then, is not an object of dread but desire.

Jesus now has the keys of death and Hades, Rev.1:18. Keys denote power and authority to open and close. Christ having the keys of death means that He presides over the realm of death. Therefore, death never comes at random. It comes at God’s appointed time.

The Lord Jesus now has complete mastery over the bodies and souls of all mankind because He has the keys, the undisputed authority, of death and Hades.

# Please note: Since recording this message Ken now has a different understanding to the views expressed in this message regarding annihilation and eternal conscious torment of the unbeliever. You can view his current belief on this subject on the following YouTube video: