The Book of Revelation: Session 2 – A Bird’s Eye View


A Bird’s Eye View

  • Rev. 4:1-3. ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this, i.e. Church Age.
  • rev. 5:1-4. The scroll is the title deed to the earth. The earth was entrusted to Adam and he handed it to Satan (Lk.4:5&6).
  • ‘Who is worthy?’ No angel qualifies as kinsman; no human qualifies as sinless.
  • The Lamb paid the price, delivered the title deed over to God for safekeeping, until He would return.
  • ‘Lamb’ is used 29 times of Jesus. Up to now, amnos is used signifying sacrificial nature of the lamb. Here and afterwards, arnion = a lamb which bears the marks of the sacrifice but is a majestic Lamb with honour, authority and power. 7 horns: omnipotence; 7 eyes: omniscience. Jesus our kinsman redeemer.
  • Rev. 5:5-8. Jesus paid the redemption price long ago, but has not taken possession. Now the time has come for Him to take possession, (Eph.1:14). Compare Rev.5:8 with ‘Thy kingdom come.’

The Six Seals

The first seal – a white horse of conquest (Rev. 6:1-2). The beginning of the Great Tribulation. Antichrist will bring peace in the midst of global turmoil. He will be received as Saviour of the world. Jn.5:43.

The second seal – a red horse of war (Rev. 6:3-4). The power to take peace from the earth.

The third seal – a black horse of famine (Rev. 6:5-6). The set of scales represents scarcity of food. Famine is the consequences of the first two riders. Antichrist will take over distribution of food.

The fourth seal – a pale horse of death (Rev. 6:7-8). Famine will be followed by death, then Hades.

The fifth seal – martyrdom (Rev. 6:9-11).  The martyrs who refused the mark of the Beast.

The sixth seal – The Great Day of the Lord (Rev. 6:12-17). Today is man’s day. Tribulation is Satan’s Day through his representative, Antichrist. The Church will go through the Great Tribulation; not the Day of the Lord.

Prelude to the Day of the Lord

The Day of the Lord cannot happen until 2 groups are protected. One group is sealed, the other is removed.

  • Rev. 7:1-8. The servants of God are sealed. The term ‘Children of Israel’ is always used of the Jews. The Israelites were sealed by the blood of the Passover lamb to protect them from judgment. Satan has his counterfeit seal – the mark of the beast. It pretends protection but is a mark of doom. The Holy Spirit is God’s seal upon us.
  • Rev. 7:9-14. The Rapture. Rev. 7:10. Salvation = deliverance from the presence of sin. Rev. 7:16. No more hunger, in contrast to tribulation. Rev. 7:17. God will wipe away every tear.
  • God’s judgments do not fall until the righteous are either sealed or removed. God’s children may suffer many attacks, but never the wrath of,  1 Thes.5:9.

The Day of the Lord

Rev. 8:1. Silence in heaven for about half an hour before the Day of the Lord begins. 7 angels sound trumpets.

First Trumpet (Rev. 8:7). Fire, mixed with hail, falls to the earth destroying one third of vegetation.

Second Trumpet (Rev. 8:8-9).

Third Trumpet (Rev. 8:10-11). Similar to the second trumpet only a star named wormwood affecting the rivers with poison.

Fourth Trumpet (Rev. 8:12). A third of the sun, moon and stars were struck so that their light was diminished.

Fifth Trumpet (Rev. 9:1-12). Extraordinary locusts are released from the bottomless pit. They have a sting like a scorpion and do not attack vegetation, but people. The plague lasts 5 months, the life span of a locust.

Sixth Trumpet (Rev. 9:13-21). An incredible army is raised up, killing one third of the earth.

The bitter-sweet book (Chapter 10).

The seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15-18) is sounded in which Jesus comes to set up His kingdom, judge the world and reign over the earth.


This ends the first chronological outline of Revelation. Chapter 12 begins the second outline. Similar to Pharaoh’s 2 dreams and Dan.2&7. The second half of Revelation repeats the outline with more details

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