The Faith of Our Fathers: Session 1 – Abraham – Justified by Faith


Abraham – Justified by Faith    See Session Slides Here

Rom.4:1-3. Abraham stands in a special relationship to believers. He is referred to as our ‘father’ and we as his ‘sons’ (Rom.4:11, 16). ‘Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham’ (Gal.3:7).

  • Paul asks: ‘What has Abraham our father found or attained by the works of the flesh?’ i.e. by self-effort. If Abraham’s righteousness was based on his works he would have something to boast about.
  • But what does the Scripture say?  Gen.15:6. First mention of justification by faith. Imputed – put into one’s account. Transfer of debt or credit. Abraham didn’t understand justification fully; but he saw it.

Justification is Paul’s way of telling the gospel. The NT uses many terms – saved, forgiven our sins, reconciled to God, redeemed, etc. But ‘justification’ is the most explicit. Its message is that God has forgiven all our sins and imputed righteousness to us not on the basis of our works but the propitiation of Jesus, Rom.3:23-26.

What is justification? It’s the result of a forensic process. It is a legal pronouncement in which a person is declared righteous after a trial or investigation in which all evidence is examined. Opposite of condemnation.

But it is not a judgment concerning our character. God justifies the ungodly. Justification precedes sanctification. E.g. Abraham. But God justified him the moment he believed though he was not always godly.

How can God justify the ungodly? He demonstrates His righteousness in doing so, Rom.3:25-26. The righteousness of God is revealed through the Cross, Rom.3:21-26.

Abraham believed this – Christ was revealed as his righteousness, Jn.8:56; Gal.3:8, 16; Matt.1:1.

When you come to God seeking His forgiveness do you appeal to His mercy or justice? See  1 John 1:9. For God to forgive us is just. We don’t plead for mercy. See Rom.3:26. We are justified, not mercified.

When we sin we don’t need someone to make us feel good. We need a lawyer who can successfully argue that justice has been fulfilled. See  1 Jn.2:1-2. In Christ the condemning voice of the law is silenced forever.

  • We are reconciled to God and no longer exposed to His wrath.
  • We are justified from all things, Acts 13:39.
  • This righteousness takes out of the courtroom and brings us into the family of God.
  • We are qualified for every blessing.

 Justified by faith

  • We are justified by faith, as Abraham was, Rom.4:3, 5, 9, 16, 24-25.
  • Faith is not sight. It enables us to call those things which are not as though they are, Rom. 4:17-19. We should call ourselves not as we see ourselves but as God calls us – righteous, holy, perfect, complete, etc.
  • Abraham gave glory to God, as the God of truth, Rom.4:20. This is an important aspect to our understanding of faith – it’s not what it says about you or me, but what it says about God.

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