Ephesians: Session 7 – Diverse But Not Divided

Diverse, But Not Divided – Ephesians 4:1-10

Eph. 4:1. Walk worthy. The word “worthy” means:

  • ‘Becoming’ or what is appropriate, as in dress, (Phil.1:27; Tit.2:10).
  • The idea of equal weight. When you put two things of equal weight in opposite pans of a set of scales there is perfect balance. Here we are exhorted to give equal weight in our lives to doctrine and practice. Paul does not just preach doctrine, but exhorts us to apply the truth to daily living.

Eph. 4:2-3. Having stated the mystery of Christ re-uniting all things (Eph. 1:9-10; 2:11-13), the first thing we are urged to do is to keep that unity in the bond of peace. Our unity is based on 7 spiritual truths:

  • One Body. Eph. 1:22-23; 2:15-16. This unity expresses itself outwardly in many ways, but it is internal, organic by nature. Life begins with a cell that reproduces. The Church is an organic growth from one original cell. There is diversity in this unity.
  • One Spirit. You and I have a human spirit. Where is it? The human spirit cannot be localised in any one organ or limb or gland. In a sense it is present in all the members of the body. So too with the Spirit of God. (Rom. 8:9;  1 Cor.12:13).
  • One Hope. There is a collective glorious destiny for the Church.
  • One Lord. Christianity is Christ. He is Lord. Christians gather around His Lordship. He is indivisible. Divisions arise when we do not make Him the focus.
  • One Faith. This is justifying faith. There is only one faith, i.e. in Christ as our righteousness.
  • One Baptism. e. We are baptised into Christ. We are all incorporated into Christ.
  • One God. God is not the Father of all mankind, but of all those who are in Christ.

Our unity is a reality. Eph. 4:7. “But…” Unity is not conformity. We can have diversity without division. We do not lose our individuality. Yet no two Christians are alike. Each one has a distinct new creation identity. This uniqueness is made manifest by the special gifts for service that we each possess. We determine the way God wants us to serve by discovering our gifts.

  • Eph. 4:8-10. See Ps. 68:18. God cannot ascend any higher than He is. The only way God could ascend is first to descend. Jesus is God. But He first descended into the lower parts of the earth. This phrase just means the earth, or the womb of a mother, (Phil.2:5-8; Psa.139:15; Jn.3:13). Jesus didn’t descend into hell, but to earth to save us.
  • Then He returned to heaven triumphant, giving gifts to His people. Just as the physical members of the body cannot choose their parts or locations, so too God appoints who and where and as He sees fit.
  • This represents the ‘unity in diversity’ which is in the Body of Christ, (Rom.12:4-5).
  • The point is that everyone has received a gift. Each part of a body has a distinct, vital role to play, and is interdependent upon the other members of the body. Harmony is essential for the successful function of the body. All members must work together in one accord.

 If all the parts were the same members, where would be the body? God has arranged the different parts of the body to function as one living, organic whole. There are two dangers:

  • Those in authority are afraid of diversity and try to clone everything.
  • People emphasise their differences to the point of separation.

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