For This Cause… Ephesians 2:19-3:13
- Eph. 1:9-10. “In the fullness of times”, i.e. beginning at the first coming of Christ (Eph. 4:4; Heb.1:2; 1 Cor.10:11) God will gather together in one all things under the headship of Christ.
- Eph. 2:10. His workmanship, poiema, i.e. work of art. The world is God’s creative poem. The Church is His redemptive poem. A new creation. God is the workman. Grace! We are a work in progress, (2 Cor.3:18; Rom.8:29). God begun the work, He will perfect it.
- Eph. 3:1. “For this cause…” Paul was a prisoner and at the time of writing had probably been a prisoner for 5 years. The mystery is a good cause to live for, die for and go to prison for.
- Eph. 3:4. It is the mystery of Christ. Read through the epistles of Paul and underline every mention of Christ. He was a Christ-intoxicated man! Christianity is Christ.
- God has purposed that through the Church all things will be reconciled. What about now? Is there a present tense enjoyment of this great final purpose of God? Yes, we are…
- 1) Fellow Citizens With The Saints (Eph. 2:19)
- We are citizens of the City of God, (Phil.3:20).
- By the new birth we changed allegiance and entered the Kingdom, (Col.1:13).
- These are our fellow-citizens! (Heb.12:22-24).
- Citizens unite in their allegiance to the King. We fight the good fight of faith.
2) Members Of The Household Of God (Eph. 2:19)
- Citizenship is a general relationship; household is a personal relationship. “Predestined unto adoption as sons.”
- Spiritual birth. Physical descent does not advantage nor disadvantage you, spiritually.
- Only when we know our position can we enjoy our privileges.
3) A Holy Temple For God (Eph. 2:21)
- The old covenant temple, where God took up residence, has been replaced by the Church.
- Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. There is only one foundation, (Eph. 1:8)
- Jesus Christ is the cornerstone (Eph. 2:19-20) set into the foundations and giving alignment to the entire house. If it was removed all the building would collapse into rubble.
- “Being fitted together.” This phrase is not used anywhere else. It was invented by Paul. It means harmoniously fitted together.
- Every stone is different in size and shape. We have been carefully chosen for the place we will occupy, and the part we will play.
- It is cultish when the Church seeks to force conformity. Cloning, sameness, conformity, mass-production are all foreign to God and His purpose. Don’t copy others; discover your uniqueness.
- No tool was heard in the temple. All prepared away from it. It is God’s work! Not done by planning or church growth conferences.
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