Romans: Session 5 – Faith that gives Glory to God


Faith That Gives Glory To God – Rom.4:1-25    See Session Slides Here

In this chapter justification by faith is illustrated in the lives of Abraham and David.

Abraham (Rom. 4:1-5; 9-10)

In Rom. 4:1 Paul asks, “What has Abraham our father found or attained by the works of the flesh?” The word “flesh” is that which is external or physical; self-effort.

Rom. 4:2-3. Abraham’s righteousness was certainly not based on his works otherwise he would have something to boast about. He knew enough to believe in Christ for righteousness (Jn.8:56; Gal.3:8). When Abraham believed God, he did the one thing that a person must do to be saved without doing anything! (see Jn.6:28-29).

Rom. 4:4-5. If you receive something from God for what you have done, then it is not a gift but a payment. If it were possible for a person to earn righteousness, God would owe it to that person; God would be in debt. But He bestows it by His grace. God is not in our debt; we are in His favour!

Abraham gave glory to God, as the God of truth. This is an important aspect to our understanding of faith – it’s not what it says about you or me, but what it says about God.

David (Rom. 4:6-8)

David pronounced “blessed” the man to whom the LORD does not impute sin. David committed two unpardonable sins. Yet he discovered that it is possible to be the most ungodly person and still be justified by God. God not only forgave him, but gave Bathsheba to him, gave him a son, Solomon, through her, and placed Bathsheba in the Messianic line (Matt.1:6). Blessed! Favour!

Yet, Paul mentions two things about us which are in contrast to David’s situation:

  • He was blessed because his sins were not imputed to him; they were “covered”. We are blessed because ours have been taken away, i.e. imputed to Christ;
  • Also, positively, righteousness has been imputed to us! The Great Exchange.  2 Cor.5:21.

 Returning To Abraham (Rom. 4:13-17)

Rom. 4:13-14. Nothing God wants to give us will come via the law. The law nullifies the promise.

Rom. 4:15-16. Two covenants:

  • The covenant = LawOur response = our works – The power = sin –  The result = wrath

The law produces wrath. The law does not impart life but death. It carries a curse (Gal.3:10). Since it demands perfection, and none can render perfect obedience, it is calculated to result in death.

  • The covenant = PromiseOur response = faith – The power = God’s grace – The result = blessing

The promise is of faith so that it might be according to grace, i.e. God’s doing not ours, so that the promise might be sure.

Rom. 4:17. Abraham was but dead, and the seed non-existent! Yet he believed God’s Word that he would be “Father of a multitude” and changed his own name from Abram to Abraham! We should call ourselves not as we see ourselves but as God calls us – righteous, holy, perfect, complete, etc.

Rom. 4:18-20. God-given faith:

  • Enables us to hope against hope
  • Gives glory to God (Rom. 4:20)

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