Romans: Session 6 – The End of Fear-Based Christianity


The End of Fear-Based Christianity – Rom.5:1-11    See Session Slides Here

Rom. 5:1. Six blessings that that result from being justified by faith:

1) Peace with God (Rom. 5:1)

  • Peace with God is a reference to being in a right relationship with Him. Prior to being justified, we were enemies of God; the wrath of God hung over us (see Rom. 1:18). No more! God is at rest concerning us forever, however poor our understanding, however weak our walk.
  • This is our permanent position. There is nothing in us, past, present or future, which can call forth the displeasure of God towards us. God will never be angry with us again!
  • On the contrary, we are objects of God’s love. We receive favour without deserving it. We draw near, not hoping He will bless us, but knowing that He delights to do so.

2) Access into the grace of God in which we stand (Rom. 5:2a)

  • We are now in a state of grace. We don’t relate to God on the basis of our merit but Christ’s.
  • Grace is His ability in the place of our inability.
  • Having access into His grace does not guarantee that we will live according to grace. We learn to access God’s grace daily (Rom.5:1-2; Heb.4:16; Jas.4:6).
  • Only through grace can we reign in life (Rom.5:17).

3) We rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Rom. 5:2b)

  • We have a hope, i.e. a certain expectation of good for the future.
  • Hope is not wishful thinking. This can lead to hopelessness. Hope is not about what could be, or what might be, it is about what will be, because of His promise.
  • Christians possess a precious hope for eternity, i.e. the hope of the glory of God. This includes seeing God (Jn.17:24;  1 Cor.13:12) and being changed into His likeness (1 Jn.3:2).
  • This hope gives us a proper perspective on this life, (Rom.8:18).

 4) We glory in tribulations (Rom. 5:3-5)

  • Rom. 5:10-12; Acts 14:22; Jn.16:33.
  • We glory ‘in’ tribulations; not in spite of them.
  • This produces in us the ability to persevere. Perseverance produces approved character, i.e. character that has been put to the test and has been proven to be genuine. 1 Pet.1:7.
  • This, in turn, gives us greater hope, which does not disappoint. We are not disappointed with the present because of the future.
  • And in the process, God’s love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

5) We are saved by the life of Christ (Rom.5:9-10)

  • Did God love you more when you were a sinner than now you are a son?
  • No! If Christ died for us while we were “yet sinners”, “much more” will He do so now that we are in Christ.

6) We rejoice in God (Rom. 5:11)

  • A person who has experienced all this can only glory in God!
  • The purpose of the gospel is that we might have a relationship with God.

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