Seven Signs Revealing His Glory: Session 6 – Walking in the Footsteps of the One Who Walked on Water


Walking in the Footsteps of the One Who Walks on Water    See Session Slides Here

After the feeding of the 5,000 Jesus sent the disciples across the lake. A storm came up, making conditions dangerous and rowing difficult, Mk.6:48. The boat was tossed by the waves. Then Jesus came to them walking on the water! He got into the boat, the wind ceased and they immediately reached the other side.

This was another sign in which Jesus revealed His glory so we can trust in Him. The message: There are situations which left to ourselves we would sink or drown; but that which is over our head is under His feet.

1) Jesus saw them before they saw Him

  • Jesus put them in the boat and sent them across to the other side. He sent them across the lake knowing they would be sailing into a storm. The storm came to those who were in the will of God.
  • When the storm came He saw them straining on the oars (lit: toiling, tortured, tormented, distressed).
  • When the set time came He went to them and delivered them.
  • They exerted much effort and made little progress. Sound familiar? Totally exhausted in body; distressed in mind, they were afraid. We become afraid when our perceived needs exceed our perceived resources.

2) That which threatened to be over their heads was under His feet

  • That which threatened to be over their heads was under His feet. He came to them walking on water.
  • The thing they feared was a pathway for Him to come to them.
  • Doctrine: ‘And He put all things under His feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church’ (Eph.1:22), i.e. with reference to the church, or for the benefit and well-being of the church.
  • What does it mean that He has put all things under His feet? All’ (Gk. pas) means all without exception.
  • Under (Gk. hupo) means literally in a position below or beneath something; to be totally under the power, authority, and control of something or someone. As a military commander, proceeding even through his own country, has power to requisition everything needful for his army, and deal with all property as may be required for military purposes, so Christ has the whole creation at his disposal.
  • First prophecy spoke of His triumphant feet, Gen. 3:15.
  • The disciples might have thought that He was taking a break in the mountain; but He wasn’t. He was praying and all the time was conscious of their needs. Symbolic of when Christ ascended. He is seated at God’s right hand, active right now, ruling all things for the sake of his church. His heavenly ministry.
  • He is the Advocate for our righteousness when we sin, Rom. 8:33-34;  1 John 2:1-2.
  • He gives aid to those who are tempted and tested, Heb.2:17-18; Heb.7:25.
  • Peter walked on the water. Paul’s argument in Ephesians isn’t just that all things are under Jesus’ feet. He ends the epistle in ch.6 with a call to arms! We are ‘in Christ’. He has incorporated us into His victory.
  • Believers are also called the woman’s seed, Rev. 12:17.  We have authority over Satan and his wiles by resisting him and ‘steadfast in the faith’,  1 Pet. 5:9.  When we do this he will ‘flee from you’, Jas. 4:7.
  • We don’t yet see all things put under him, Heb. 2:8. Because God wants us to learn to experience all things under our feet,  Rom. 16:20; i.e. He wants us to exercise the authority He has given us over Satan.
  • What’s the point of having a Saviour Who walks on water if we do not follow in His footsteps?

3) Jesus told them not to be afraid

  • They were frightened of Him. Jesus calmed their fears.
  • The one who fears is not made perfect in love. When Adam sinned he feared God, hated God and fled from Him. Fear-inspired and guilt laden preaching leads to dead works, fear, hatred and withdrawal. God reveals His love to us in Christ. The goodness of God leads to repentance. His love takes away fear of Him so that we will draw near to Him. Only His love can inspire us to live godly + triumphantly.
  • When He got into the boat the wind ceased. ‘They were greatly amazed in themselves, beyond measure, and marveled’ (Mk.6:51). Because they did not understand about the loaves.
  • Remember, He told them to go before Him. ‘I’ll meet you on the other side.’ In the same way He sees you and me and will come to us in our need,  Matt. 10:29; Lk.12:6-7. They did cross the lake, and so will you because all that is over your head is indeed under His feet.

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