Water into Wine See Session Slides Here
- In the first miracle Jesus demonstrated that He would replace the failed OC with a NC.
- The 6 stone jars normally held water used for ceremonial cleansing, Mark 7:3.
- They were empty. They needed to be constantly filled because people constantly needed to be cleansed.
- The number ‘6’ symbolically means ‘incomplete’.
- The miracle symbolized that He was about to change the stone, cold, empty way of man’s religion into a living and joyful relationship with Him, likened to a wedding celebration.
- The water would be replaced by abundant wine celebrating that under the NC we are now clean.
1) The New Covenant is a covenant of grace
- It magnifies the grace of God. ‘Woman, what have we in common?’ Leave it to me.
- We don’t need to pray to Mary so that she might influence or persuade Jesus for us, 1 Tim.2:5.
- Neither does Jesus exist to do as we want. He is sovereign – I will do it in my way and in my time.
- This is not passivity but directed activity. What He says, do. You fill the waterpots. He turns the water into wine. You present your humanity to Him; He does supernatural things through you.
- God does extraordinary things through ordinary people, so that His grace might be magnified, 2 Cor.4:7; 1 Cor.1:26-29.
2) The New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant
- The wine was superior to the wine they had served earlier. They had saved the best for last, Heb.8:6.
- The world shows its best first; God saves the best till last. The new covenant is an ever-increasing glory!
3) The New Covenant is a covenant of abundance
Contrast the old covenant with the new covenant:
- Israel vs a spiritual nation comprising men and women from every tribe, nation, people and tongue
- Temporary (now obsolete) vs eternal
- Fading glory vs increasing glory
- Written with ink on tablets of stone vs written by the Spirit on hearts of flesh
- Shadows vs the substance
- Daily routine vs finished work
- Continuous offering of sacrifices vs one sacrifice once for all
- Do vs done
- Covers sin vs takes away sin
- Purifies the flesh vs cleanses the conscience
- Reminds of sin vs no remembrance of sin
- A ministry of condemnation vs a ministry of righteousness
- Kills vs makes alive
- Condemns even the best vs saves even the worst
- Perfected nothing vs perfected us for ever
- Cannot justify vs justifies from all things including the things we could not be justified from by the law
- Cursed vs blessed
- A day of rest vs a life of rest
- Don’t come near vs draw near with confidence
- Access through a human mediator vs direct access
- You need a priesthood vs you are a priesthood
- You go to the temple vs you are the temple
- Chosen people anointed vs all anointed
- Brings bondage vs brings freedom
- Flesh appealing vs Spirit-empowering
- Rules to regulate behaviour vs The Spirit to change the heart
- Married to the law vs married to Christ
- Conditional promises vs better promises (You shall vs I will)
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