Your Helper the Holy Spirit: Session 1 – Fellowship with the Holy Spirit


Having Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen’ (2 Cor.13:14). Communion = Koinonia, i.e. fellowship. The Holy Spirit is a real Person. He is a divine Person. He is equal with the Father and the Son, yet subordinate to them.

When Jesus left He promised to send the Spirit, Jn.14:16-18. Note:

The Father will give us the Holy Spirit (Lk.11:13)

  • The Holy Spirit was given to the Church on the Day of Pentecost. The apostles had to wait; we have received (Rom.8:9).
  • John 16:7. We may think it would be great to have Christ with us in the flesh, or an angel. But this is carnal thinking. It is expedient for us that He goes away that we might receive the Holy Spirit.
  • Note: God gave His Son for us, His Spirit to us.
  • John 20:17. Now we do not know Christ according to the flesh, but the glorified Christ living in us by the Holy Spirit,  2 Cor.5:16.
  • When the apostles preached the gospel they asked for a response to each member of the Trinity. Repentance towards the Father; faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; receive the Holy Spirit.

He is our Parakletos

  • One called alongside to help. Another, like Christ, yet working on the inside.
  • Everything God wants to get done in us and through us is done by the Holy Spirit.
  • Everything Jesus accomplished for us is applied to and effected in us by the Spirit.
  • This dispensation is called the ministry of the Spirit,  2 Cor.3:6-8. Take away the Spirit and Christianity becomes a dead letter. There is nothing done by us that is acceptable by God, except by the Spirit.
  • We are saved, sanctified and fruitful by the Spirit. We work out what He works in. We will never beat flesh with flesh, only with Spirit.

He will abide with us forever

  • In the OT the Holy Spirit came upon individuals. He did not abide with them.
  • He now comes not merely upon believers but into their lives to remain until death or Christ’s return.

He is the Spirit of Truth

  • The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. He teaches us about Jesus (Jn.14:26; 15:26; 16:3-15).
  • He does not speak to us about the law, or our fleshly ability. He always speaks of Jesus.
  • He teaches us what it is to be in Christ and have Christ in us. These are the things of the Spirit, Rom. 8:5.

The world cannot receive Him

  • 2 attitudes of unbelievers towards the Holy Spirit: resisting,  Acts 7:52 & blaspheming, Matt. 12:31-32.

He dwells in each one of us

  • Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. We have received Him abundantly, Titus 3:5-6.
  • We are regenerated by the Spirit.

He will supply us with Christ’s presence

  • He has come to dwell in us in order to live Christ’s life through us, Gal.5:22-23
  • We need to be aware of Him, learn to listen to Him and be sensitive to Him,  1 Thes.5:19, Eph.4:30.
  • What kind of things grieve the Spirit? See  Eph. 4:31&32. The Holy Spirit is like a dove. The dove is a symbol of love. “The love of the Spirit” (Rom.15:30). See also Rom.5:5.

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