Galatians: Session 5 – Dead to the Law, Alive to the Spirit


Dead to the Law, Alive to the Spirit – Galatians 3:23-4:7    See Session Slides Here

  • Gal. 4:9. The early church faced two constant dangers, which we face today: 1) Turning grace into licentiousness; 2) Falling from grace and walking in legalism. Both result in bondage.
  • The Judaizers took the Galatians from bondage to paganism into bondage to legalism.
  • Legalists think that the only way you can keep out of sin is by means of the law.
  • Holiness under the new covenant is much greater than under the old covenant

Under The New Covenant You Will Not Live As A Servant But As A Son

  • Gal. 3:23-25. During the old covenant period, the law was like a child custodian (pedagogue).
  • The pedagogue was responsible for the child’s behaviour, until the child came of age
  • During this time the child had no different status to that of a slave, even though he was heir of his father’s estate (Gal. 4:1-2). He was told what to do and he had to do it.
  • This was like being under the law.
  • Just as the law served the Promise, so the pedagogue served the Master of the household.
  • The defining moment for the child was when he entered into his position as a son; the pedagogue’s responsibility ceased and he had no more control over the child.

 Gal. 4:4-5. The defining moment in history for God’s people was when God sent forth His Son to redeem us from under the guardianship of the law and bring us into full status as sons.

  • We have entered into the fullness of our position as a son, and our pedagogue’s (the law) responsibility has ceased and has no more authority or control over us.
  • We are dead to the law, but alive to the Spirit, Gal. 5:18.
  • Gal. 4:6-7. In Christ we have the position of sons; through the Spirit we have the experience of sons. The Spirit helps us to feel like sons and to relate to the Father as Jesus Himself did.
  • God wants us to make the transition from a servant-mentality to a son-mentality (Jn.15:15).
  • Under the new covenant there is a new level of intimacy based on a new kind of relationship
  • A servant serves to maintain his place in the house. A son is secure because of his position.
  • It is not fitting that those who have received the status of sons should be made subject again to the restraints of a law-giver (someone telling us what to do), Gal. 4:9-11.
  • Rom. 8:14. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth.
  • How does this work? Under the new covenant the Bible gives us broad principles but leaves us to work them out, as sons who have a personal relationship with our heavenly Father.
  • 1 Cor.6:12. The important consideration is, “Is this expedient for me?”
  • Bondage to legalism is usually bondage to a person (2 Pet.2:19). When Paul urged the Galatians to stand fast in the liberty of Christ, he was not only talking about freedom from the law, but also from the Judaizers.
  • What one believes to be right for him/her, another person may see as unacceptable for them. Rom.14:2-13. We have a responsibility to stand firm in our liberty (Col.2:16).
  • God’s way of dealing with worldliness is not by rules and regulations , Col.2:20-23.
  • Gal. 6:14. Jesus overcame the temptation of the world, but His real victory over it was on the cross. He was lifted above the earth, symbolising His being totally free of this world, and its power through the new creation. It is through the same cross that we experience victory.
  • We will overcome the world by believing that it is crucified to us, and we to it. Because Christ has overcome it, we too have overcome it (see 1 Jn.5:4-5). We are in Christ and partake of all that He is and has. Those who have been born again enter into this victory.

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