The Identity Driven Life: Session 7 – Addictive Behaviour

Lesson 7:

Lesson Notes:

Addictive Behaviour

  • God has created us with the power of habit.
  • Satan has hijacked the power of habit and turned it into addiction.
  • Definition of addiction: “A compulsive or obsessive relationship to a substance, person, behaviour or thing.”

Addiction is distinguished from the power of habit in that it leads to:

  1. Bondage
  2. Life domination
  3. Destruction

We need to understand something of the cause of addiction:

  • People become addicted to anything that gives pleasure at the time, in order to compensate for their emotional pain.
  • The pleasure the addict derives from their ‘drug’ is a refuge from their emotional pain.
  • The addict has made a discovery. The discovery is this: ‘I know how to get relief.’
  • The addiction is a coping mechanism leading to the cycle of addiction – relief, relapse, relief, relapse…..
  • If an addict never learns how to deal with negative emotions, all he/she is able to do is to numb their feelings

 The Bar Cycle:

I have a belief.  It leads to an action. It ends with a result.

  • Each time I repeat the process, I erect another BAR in my life.
  • A room full of BARs is called a ‘prison’.
  • In order to change the process I must start with changing my beliefs.

 1) Recognize the problem for what it is – a coping mechanism – and renounce it.

2) Recognize that it is a substitute for the real solution for dealing with emotional pain – being emotionally connected:

a) Vertically

b) Horizontally

3) Find a grace environment where healing can take place.

4) Close all doors of re-entry to your addiction.

5) Become a righteousness addict.

# Answers to this quiz are found in the notes above. Click on quiz to commence. Only correct spelling is recognised. A minimum 70%  correct is required to advance to the next session.