The Identity Driven Life: Session 6 – Breaking Free from Feelings-Based Living


Breaking Free From Feelings-Based Living

We were created emotional, but we need to understand the role emotions are meant to play in our lives. See Rom.6:17. Emotions are responders. Whilst God gave us feelings so that we can respond to life, He never intended us to be controlled by our emotions. Negative emotions are like a smoke detector, warning that something is wrong.

If a smoke detector alarm goes off, what are your options?

1) You could ignore it, and drown out the sound by turning up the volume on the TV or stereo.

2) You could stop it by turning it off, or removing the battery.

3) You could investigate the reason why the alarm is sounding.

  • If negative emotions are primarily responders, what are they responding to?
  • Sometimes, wrong behaviour. Often, wrong thinking
  • Our emotions are mainly a product of our thoughts.
  • Depression is related to what we believe – about God, self, others, circumstances, Satan, etc.
  • If what you believe does not reflect truth, then what you feel does not reflect reality.
  • Satan can control our lives with just one lie.

We need to identify our false beliefs and replace them with truth. Examples:

False belief: “God is angry with me because of the mistakes I have made in the past.”

Emotion produced: Guilt.

Truth: God’s anger against us was poured out on His Son at the Cross. It has been fully discharged.

False belief: “God is punishing me because of my present wrong behaviour. That’s why I struggle.”

Emotion produced: Condemnation.

Truth: Rebellion will result in coming under His chastening, but this is different to punishment. Each has a different goal. The goal of punishment is punitive. The goal of chastening is corrective.

False belief: “If my circumstances were different, I would be happy.”

Emotion produced: Depression.

Truth: It is not our circumstances which determine our happiness, but the way we view them.

False belief: “I can’t do this; I am totally inadequate.”

Emotion produced: Inadequacy.

Truth: Our weaknesses and inadequacies do not limit us; they open us up to the grace God.

False belief: “If such and such happened, I couldn’t handle it.”

Emotion produced: Fear.

Truth: God will never allow us to be tempted or tested beyond our ability to endure (1 Cor.10:13).

False belief: “I can’t live without him/her.”

Emotion produced: Anxiety.

Truth: Our Creator, and not a created being, is our life source. Idolatry is trying to get our needs met through anyone or anything other than God.

False belief: “My dreams and goals have been blocked by others.”

Emotion produced: Anger.

Truth: Any goal over which we have no ultimate control is not a goal that God has set for us.

# Answers to this quiz are found in the notes above. Click on quiz to commence. Only correct spelling is recognised. A minimum 70%  correct is required to advance to the next session.