The Identity Driven Life: Session 4 – The Truth About You


The Truth About You

The most important question you can ask yourself is “Who am I?”

Sadly, many Christians receive their identity messages from the wrong sources. Three examples:

  1. Achievement
  2. Approval
  3. Appearance

Furthermore, Christians too readily accept psycho-labels in an attempt to understand themselves.

In this case identity is based on behaviour.

  • Psycho-labels do more than describe human behaviour, they define human beings
  • A person’s life will be dominated by the behaviour of the label he wears.

As Christians we do not receive our identity from achievements, behaviour or appearance, nor the approval or disapproval of others. Our identity is based upon the one with whom we are identified.

  • Who we were: ‘In Adam’ people
  • Who we are: ‘In Christ’ people

We were baptized into Christ. This means:

  1. We died with Christ
  2. We were buried with Him
  3. We have been raised to newness of life in Him

Understanding our new creation identity is vital to spiritual health and wholeness.

  • It is a fact that our brain will steer our lives in the direction of the picture we have of ourselves.
  • It’s not what we do that determines who we are, but knowing who we are that will determine what we do.

The problem many Christians struggle with is this:

  • They have a new identity
  • But have kept their old mentality
  1. How do we make the transition from old identity thinking to new identity thinking?
  2. By renewing our mind.

4 keys in Romans 6:1-14 to appropriating the power of our new identity:

1)  Rom. 6:3. Know what is the truth concerning your new creation identity

2)  Rom. 6:8. Believe the truth concerning your new creation identity

3)  Rom. 6:11. Reckon the truth concerning your new creation identity

4)  Rom. 6:13. Yield the members of your body as instruments of righteousness

# Answers to this quiz are found in the notes above. Click on quiz to commence. Only correct spelling is recognised. A minimum 70%  correct is required to advance to the next session.